Vietnam War Photos From Lee Edgemon

Posted on Jan 25, 2023 (last modified Jan 25, 2023)

Photographs from Lee Edgemon (Delta Co., 1st Battalion / 3rd Marines) taken during his 1967 tour of duty in the Vietnam War. Lee was an M79 Grenadier in 2nd Squad of 1st Platoon.

Center: Kazakevich and Al Burleson

Operation Buffalo

Earl Neal Faircloth

The one on the right in blue shirt got killed—MacMahon. He was next home. He died while I was putting field dressing on him.

My weapon, cartridge belt, and pistol.

North Vietnamese Soldier

Bennett, July 1967, Vietnam

How would you like to sleep in something like this? We did. Pretty lonesome looking place, aint it? One round hit right here. Right here is my hole.

Tanks hauling out the dead and wounded.

Me (Lee Edgemon)

Mama-san, ville.

He got caught chowing down.

This kid in the white shirt hit two booby traps. He is pretty well screwed up. You can see two scars on his biceps. Doc Sovey - Andy

These have got wounded real bad. Blackburn.

This is Bishop (left) and Condon (right)

This boy is going to write you, Roberta. His name is Earl Neal Faircloth from Forst Proof, Florida. He's 22.

Lee Edgememon, DMZ

July 1967

This is a guy in my squad, Langford.

This is my hole—one of them, while we were in Con Thien.

This is some mroe of my buddies. The one on the end is a pretty good buddy of mine. He's a Polock. RuKowsky. This isn't how you spell it, but this is how it sounds.

Me (Lee Edgemon)


Pretty desolate, aint it?

Operation Buffalo

This is an ontos that got knocked out. I crawled under this. We had to close lines to help Charlie Company. Justa fter, we wer told to fix bayonets.

This is Bennett, the one that got shot. He's back with us now.

This is one of our Corpsmen, Doc Sovey.

Another guy in my squad, Andy.

Andy Andrews

Langford sitting, Dahl standing.

Hard looking dude, huh?

Getting chow and water.

This is sort of a rank picture. I was just goofing off.